A recap of 2023 thus far

July 20, 2023

Right! I've gone ahead and updated a bunch of pages and posted about a bunch of projects from this year, and now I'll quickly summarize some of the cool stuff:

The DUNGENERATOR: Series 2 got shipped around the world and is now available in a bunch of places (which you can find here: https://www.rollinkunz.com/dungenerator)!

I got to make some sweet art for some incredible projects:

Gangs of Titan City (I think they may've sold out of my variant cover)

John Baltisberger and I put together and launched ODD GOBS, a standalone TTRPG about goblins surviving in a cyberpunk dystopia (which you can find here: https://www.rollinkunz.com/oddgobs)!

And some buds and I are hard at work on Goblins Never DIE, a videogame about herding and teaching a horde of mischievous little goblin fellas! More on that here: https://www.rollinkunz.com/goblinsneverdie

So! Busy year so far! I'm excited to see where all this wacky stuff goes. 

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